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Enjoy Your Pension!

Lífeyrissjóður verzlunarmanna (e. Pension Fund of Commerce) is the largest open pension fund in Iceland. Founded in 1956 we have secured pensions for our members for 68 years. The fund is open to all employees as well as self-employed individuals. 

LIV Lifeyrissjodur Verzlunarmanna Myndabanki 1B 0923 LIV Lifeyrissjodur Verzlunarmanna Myndabanki 1B 0923

Why LV should be your first choice for your pension

Our goal is to maximize the pension of our fund members through responsible investments. The fund is entirely owned by the fund members and only members benefit from the fund's performance success.  Anyone who is receiving wages or is self-employed person can pay their pension contributions to LV. Find out what we have to offer you and your family. 

Responsible investments

LV's goal is to maximise the long-term returns of the fund's portfolios, taking into account risk, in the interests of fund members.

LV believes that investing in financial instruments issued by companies, public entities and other issuers that base their operations on a sustainable basis is the best way to support responsible long-term returns. LV therefore places an emphasis on ensuring that the fund's portfolios consist of financial instruments of issuers that maintain sound governance and are based on business models that promote sustainable value creation.

More about investments

Key figures 2023 in ISK million

Total Assets


Real Return 2023


5 yr Ann. Real Return


10 yr Ann. Real Return


20 yr Ann. Real Return
