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Are you purchasing your first property ?

Use your private pension savings to finance your first home — tax-free! First-time buyers can apply for loans covering up to 85% of the property value. By contributing to the fund for just one month, you become eligible for a loan.

LIV Lifeyrissjodur Verzlunarmanna Myndabanki 7 0223 LIV Lifeyrissjodur Verzlunarmanna Myndabanki 7 0223

Make the first home purchase easier

Make your first home purchase easier by using your accumulated private pension savings as a down payment. Additionally, you can apply for a loan from the fund to cover up to 85% of the purchase price.

How to Start Saving

Contribute 2–4% of your salary to a private pension savings account, and your employer will add 2%. You can use this amount for your first home purchase, with a maximum allocation of ISK 500,000 per year for up to 10 years.

Opt for a private pension savings account free from unnecessary fees, commissions, or restrictions.

If you're not reaching the maximum contribution limit, you can add a specified portion of your mandatory contributions to the private savings account through My Pages.

All those who have personal pension savings and are buying or building a residential property can use accumulated personal pension savings to pay for their first home purchase up to a certain level. It is also possible to use personal pension savings to pay down a loan and/or lower the monthly payments.

Keep in mind:

  • You can pay off the loan or lower the monthly payments.
  • This applies to the purchase of a first apartment or if you have not owned a residential property for five years.
  • A personal pension savings agreement must be in place.
  • You need to own at least 30% of the property.
  • You can use a maximum of ISK 500.000 per year for 10 consecutive years.


Eignasafn Sveiflur Nafnávöxtun (%)
Year to date 1 ár 3 ár 5 ár Stofnár Opin
2.2% 11.9% 8.1% 9.3% 1999 No
Ævileið III
1% 7.3% 5.3% 4.3% 2017 Yes
Ævileið II
1.3% 9.5% 4.7% 6.6% 2017 Yes
Ævileið I
1.8% 11.8% 5.6% 9.1% 2017 Yes

Nafnávöxtun tímabila, m.v. gengi 28.02.2025

Get Up to an 85% Loan for First-Time Homebuyers

First-time buyers are eligible for loans from the fund after making a single contribution to the fund or their private pension savings. You can apply for up to an 85% loan, comprising a base loan of 70% and an additional loan of 15%, arranged in continuous lien priority from the first lien.

Loan Details

Base Loan

  • Can be indexed or non-indexed.
  • Fixed or variable interest rates.
  • Loan terms range from 5 to 40 years.

Additional Loan

  • Non-indexed with a fixed interest rate for the first 3 years.
  • Includes a 0.75% interest premium.
  • Maximum loan term: 25 years.

Key Features

  • No Prepayment Fees: Loans can be repaid or paid down at any time without additional costs.
  • Payment Holidays: Borrowers may request a payment holiday during parental leave.

Please be advised that according to guidelines issued by the Central Bank of Iceland, the ratio of housing loan payments to income must not exceed 40% for first-time buyers.


Personal pension savings are an extremely advantageous savings option

Employees and self-employed individuals can pay up to 4% of their gross wages into personal pension savings. Those who contribute at least 2% and up to 4% of their savings in this manner receive a 2% contribution from their employer.  Don´t miss out and apply today. 

Select application


Frequently Asked Questions on Loans for First-Time Buyers

Am I elegable for a loan?

To be elegabable for a loan, you must meet one of the following conditions by having contributed to a pension or private savings plan:

  • For 6 of the last 12 months before the application.
  • For at least 36 months prior to the application.
  • First-time buyers are eligible after making one contribution.
  • Alternatively, be the spouse of a pension fund member who has loan eligibility.

Log in to My Pages with electronic identification to confirm your loan eligibility. 

What are the maximum and minimum loan amounts?

The maximum loan amount for an individual, couple, or cohabitant is ISK 95,000,000. 

If the total loan amount exceeds ISK 75,000,000, the credit rating must be no lower than B1, and the estimated disposable income after taking the loan must not be less than ISK 180,000. The total amount of encumbered loans, including the new loan, must not exceed the fund's maximum loan limit.

The minimum amount is ISK 1,000,000. 

What is the maximum loan-to-value ratio?

The maximum loan amount is 70% of the property valuation or the purchase price if it involves a real estate purchase. The appraisal value is not considered.

If the loan-to-value ratio from other lending institutions exceeds 20% of the available collateral, the maximum mortgage amount is 65% of the property valuation or the purchase price in case of a real estate purchase.

If the current recalculated mortgage debts, including the additional loan from the fund, exceed the maximum loan amount from the fund, the evaluation is based on the fund's best interests, despite collateral ratio rules.

First-time buyers can qualify for an additional loan if it has the same lien priority as the first loan, meaning no other loans come in between. The maximum loan-to-value ratio is 85%.

What is the maximum loan term?

The loan term can range from 5 years to 40 years. The maximum loan term for an additional loan for first-time buyers is 25 years.

There are 12 payment due dates per year.

Housing Loans for First-Time Buyers

First-time buyers can apply for an additional loan if it maintains the same lien priority as the first loan, with a maximum loan-to-value ratio of 85%. The additional loan is non-indexed with a fixed interest rate for 3 years, and a 0.75% interest rate premium is added. The maximum term for the additional loan is 25 years.

First-time buyers are eligible for loans from the fund if they have made at least one contribution to the fund or a private pension savings plan.

There are no prepayment fees on the fund’s housing loans, meaning borrowers can repay the loans or make additional payments at any time.

According to regulations from the Central Bank of Iceland, the payment-to-income ratio (the proportion of income spent on housing loan payments) must not exceed 40% for first-time buyers.

Maximum monthly mortgage payments

The Central Bank has issued rules for the maximum mortgage loan debt in proportion to the borrower's income.

The maximum monthly payment for all real estate loans of the borrower may not exceed 35% of the consumer's monthly disposable income when a real estate loan is granted. However, the maximum may be 40% in the case of a first real estate purchase.

Frequently Asked Questions on Personal Pension Savings

First purchase of a residential property

Individuals who purchase a residential property for the first time are authorised to use to some extent their personal pension savings towards it without tax liability (tax free). 

This authorisation applies to individuals who have not previously owned a residential property. The applicant has to purchase a property either him/herself or jointly with another individual, although the individual’s share of the property has to be at least 30%.

The application must be received by the Iceland Revenue and Customs office within twelve months from the signing of the purchase agreement. 

Find out more at the website of the Iceland Revenue and Customs (Skatturinn)