Agreements - refund
20.1. Fund members may allocate contributions of up to 3.5% of the contribution base, in excess of 12% of the contribution base, to a specified private pension, which shall be preserved in C Division, if provision is made for this in a collective agreement or employment contract. Up until 1 July 2018, the 3.5% referred to in the first sentence of this Article shall be 2%.
20.2. Persons requesting membership of the C Division, cf. Art. 4.8, shall notify the fund thereof in a verifiable manner, following the rules laid down by the fund in accordance with the provisions of applicable laws and regulations. Similarly, fund members can send notification that they wish to discontinue part or all of their payments to the specified private pension and the contributions then
accrue to the mutual insurance division.
20.3. The pension fund shall alter the allocation of the contribution in accordance with the notified decision of the fund member as soon as possible and no later than within two calendar months from the date of verifiable receipt of notification. A decision to alter the allocation of the contribution does not
affect the contributions already allocated.
20.4. The rightholder’s balance in C Division is repaid according to the following rules.
20.4.1. Fund members may begin withdrawals from C Division from the age of 62 years, and payments shall then be distributed at least over the period remaining until the member reaches the age of 67. If the rightholder wishes, aderogation may be made from the afore-mentioned repayment period if the balance is less than ISK 1,478,386. The amount changes at the beginning of each year to reflect changes in the CPI used for inflation indexation, with the base index 513.0 points in January 2022.
20.4.2. Should the rightholder become disabled and the disability is assessed as 100% by the fund’s medical officer, the rightholder shall be entitled to have their balance in C Division repaid in equal annual payments over a seven-year period or during the period remaining until the beneficiary reaches 60 years
of age. If the disability percentage is less than 100% the annual repayment shall decrease in proportion to the reduction of the disability percentage and the repayment period shall be lengthened accordingly. If the rightholder wishes, a derogation may be made from the afore-mentioned repayment period if the balance is less than ISK 1,478,386. The amount changes at the beginning of each year to reflect changes in the CPI used for inflation indexation, with the base index 513.0 points in January 2022.
20.4.3. Upon the death of a rightholder, who holds a balance on a private pension account in C Division, the remaining balance is paid to their heirs and is divided between them according to rules of the Inheritance Act on legal heirs. Should a rightholder have no surviving children or spouse, any assets shall accrue to the rightholder's estate without limitation, cf. the second sentence of the second paragraph of Art. 8 of Act No. 129/1997.
20.5. The fund's Board may offer one or more investment plans in C Division. A separate investment strategy shall be formulated for each individual investment plan, as provided for in Art. 36 of Act No. 129/1997, as subsequently amended. If more than one investment plan is offered, the fund member shall state which plan they select with a notification to the fund in the form which it prescribes. If the fund offers more than one investment plan for C Division, a rightholder may request to transfer between the investment plan under the rules set by the fund's Board. A fund member who has not selected an investment option will be automatically transferred between the fund’s Ævileið options with increasing age, in accordance with the investment strategy.